Written by: Rachael, Erika and Morgan

What Does it Mean to Visit With Us This Summer?

Great question. We can explain.

Okay so check it out.

Here is the short version: We are traveling across the country in our converted shuttle bus to RV (a.k.a. The Morgan Express), to visit many people and places we love and miss. The entire purpose of this shuttlebus conversion project was to create a way for Rachael to be able to do all of this while maintaining safety from Covid. We will do everything in our bus – sleep, cook, shower, even laundry. When we visit you, we will visit you exclusively outdoors and masked. In other words, we are not going into anyone’s home. We are not going into any restaurants. If we share a meal with you, we will eat outside and distanced (much more than what a restaurant’s outdoor tables allow – more like backyard chairs spread out).

Questions? Feel free to leave a comment below or be in touch.

The Morgan Express Shuttlebus Conversion
The Morgan Express

Short link back to this page: erka.me/visit

About Rachael, Erika and Morgan

In The Morgan Express bus, you are likely to find Erika, Rachael, and Morgan the Dog. We live fairly public lives. Morgan the Dog says, "Treasure Every Somewhere." To connect with the people, you can visit Rachael's website, or visit Erika's latest website, and The Morgan Express has a public Instagram if you want to follow us on the road.

2 thoughts on “What Does it Mean to Visit With Us This Summer?”

  1. Good evening Erika and Rachael, don’t know if you needed our driveway or not, but wanted to make sure you know that we will actually be away from July 14th until the 26th. Our driveway will still be available and we can let out neighbors know that we have invited you to use the driveway. If you are not in this area until after that, or before we leave it will be great to see you both.

    Jim and Emily

    • Thanks so much. It looks like we’ll be staying at Sykes the Florist, which is close to you, so I don’t think we’ll need your driveway but very much appreicate you offering it. – Erika


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